People act like if you ghost someone you’re horrible but what if you just don’t want to talk to them anymore?

I find it really weird that you wrote like 3 pages about why you feel you can't, or shouldn't have to, or don't want to tell a guy: "I don't like to text, but if I wanna hook up again I'll get a hold of you". Clearly you have no trouble communicating. Just not to whom it might matter. But this is the way people are now I suppose? Really it is your life, your reputation, your conscience, and your relationships. As an elder millenial I have had to adjust to the sporadic, unreliable, paperthin, unstraightfoward communication styles of gen Z and also the once a year distant sterile and yet way too personal but not nearing any frequency approaching a healthy relationship style of Gen X and older generations. I am tired of both of your generations' communication habits. Grow some emotional attachments and personal responsibility why don't ya; freaking plastic bags and cinderblock communicating people motherfuckers.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread