People are overreacting about Jimmy Carr.

Literally messaged my friend last night to ask him from an outsider's perspective if I'm getting more socially conservative or if the world is just going a bit too far in the other direction. I've always considered myself a leftist and still do economically, but between this and Joe Rogan, I dunno.

For the record, I do think Joe Rogan's Planet of the Apes comment was in poor taste at best and explicitly racist at worst, but I disagree with the notion that white people can't say a certain word in context. Actors playing racists, lawyers quoting a racist they're prosecuting, there's plenty of reasons. We've gone full Voldemort with it and nuance and context are being completely ignored. Like Netflix removing the blackface episodes of Always Sunny despite the fact that they satirised the terrible people in blackface rather than mocking black people.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread