People calling for abolition of prisons are privileged as fuck.

The argument for prison abolishment isn't that we should just stop locking up criminals. It is instead, that the current prison industry that exists in America needs complete reform because it is not productive in serving its purpose. Looking at recidivism rates in America compared to any other developed country that takes a more humane take on prison is a perfect example of that.

Social funding leading to a reduced levels of crime is absolutely true. Yeah sure, better social funding to lower income communities isn't going to stop people like abusive partners or Brock Turner, but it will reduce gang violence, drug crime, and other general petty crimes that exist in poverty stricken neighbourhoods, which combined make up a huge part of the people in prison.

I'm curious, have you actually read into the abolish prison movement, or did you just see a hashtag that said #abolishprisons and assume it meant just get rid of prisons completely? I have not met a single person, on social media or protests, that thinks absolutely no form of rehabilitation needs to exist in society, so I'm curious how you came to the conclusion that's what the movement is supposed to represent.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread