People can't stop running over this rock.

These are the kinds of people who should not be allowed to drive on public roads.

These are the same people who hit big bright yellow painted poles and run stop signs.

If you don't understand how to make a proper turn like above, you shouldnt he driving.

It may seem harsh, but the fact is, that rock could have been someone elses car or a child standing on a cross walk.

Americas driving tests, and driving education programs are too lax and need to be stricter.

When I took my driving exam, the instructor said that its okay if I bump a cone as long as I dont knock it over. My jaw dropped because the cone is supossed to represent a cars bumper.

Most everyone cant even parallel park these days. Hell, many people cant even back down a straight driveway.

I rant because its to easy for incompetent people to be given a license and allowed to operate a car.

The biggest reason accident happen is because these same people arent paying attention.

And dont get me started on the people who think they are being nice and helpful by waving you on like an idiot. I will not go out of turn, you got there first at the stop sign, you go before me. Im not going to assume you are waving me on even if you are.

Then there are the red light runners, stop sign runners, right on red without a stop.

I have to drive defensively as taught and fo many times I have had to hit the brakes hard and blow the horn because people like in the photo above dont fking know how to drive.

Driving is a privilage, not a right. And should never be treated as a right due to the level safety required.

Freedon of travel doesnt automatically mean freedom to drive a car without proper training.

I guess the other problem is you cant fix stupid either.

This is why they are making self driving garbage. Because people have becomes so irresponsible that engineers have to try and devlop a computer system that can transport these kinds of idiots so that they cant harm others.

Source: Years of defensively driving and staying safe on american roads.

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