People don't want to take 2 minutes in the morning to heat up a bagel and butter it but will spend 8 minutes in line to pay someone else to do it for them then complain when it's wrong

People don't want to take 2 minutes in the morning to heat up a bagel and butter it but will spend 8 minutes in line to pay someone else to do it for them then complain when it's wrong

If I understand this properly, people are buying the bagels in question to take to their work desks, right?

If that's the case, they cannot "take 2 minutes in the morning to heat up a bagel and butter" at home unless they make time to sit down and eat it them at home. They don't get credit for being at work if they're sitting at home munching on bagels. They're only being late as far as the boss is concerned. So people want to eat those bagels at their work desks while they read the morning email, check phone messages, browse sports scores, etc.

I don't buy a pre-made breakfast or lunch (I go to the grocery and buy the ingredients to make my own), but I understand that people who do buy such products will complain when the product (ingredients and service) is not good. If I pay someone to do something for me (fresh, hot, tasty bagel on the way to work), they had better do it right.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread