Why do people even get married? What is so fun about it ?

Sex gets boring if you let it. So does ONS and gonorrhea unless you wear a condom each time. Hate condoms.

Married sex involves growth. A couple can choose to grow together sexually. My husband gets the best sex I have to offer. A BF would get very plain. The husband keeps your sexuality a secret from others because it is for him only.

It is just polite to let your spouse know where you are going. My husband will tell me ahead if time. He goes on weekend trips camping, races, and just to hang out with an out of state friend.

As far as inlaws, they are only a problem if you or your spouse allow them to be. Give the inlaws a boundary and stand firm.

As far as boring, if my husband has a new interest I encourage it. He likes playing video games. So I'll bring him a snack or ask him about future games he is interested in.

Not all woman morph into bitchdom after marriage. As a wife my life is with my husband and I care for his needs. He needs alone time (video games does this), time with friends without me, a lover, a friend.

Being a wife has been my dream since I was eight. Marriage is a privilege for me not to be taken lightly or for granted.

/r/Marriage Thread