To the people "freaking out" over Trump's response to the abortion question...

Donald is a businessman who is a Christian, Republican, and a Conservative and people are shocked by this news? Everyone knows that a majority of republicans are usually pro-life (and most of them including donald know rape, incest, and other issues are usually exceptions).

I have a feeling this is a big turning point that many people are overlooking. He's been called a liberal by leftists/opposition, every conservative/republican news outlet says he's neither a true conservative nor republican. Donald is by no means the White Knight Christian Conservative that Ted Cruz is portayed as, but he's suitable as fuck for the title. Lots of leftists have moved to our cause and obviously that's gonna cause some issues. I bet you most people who read this title as a negative are former liberals/independents. I hate to be the one to spit that fire but this is what it's like in the Republican atmosphere. Donald will only "break the mold and be outlandish" so much. He says all the time his wife wishes hes more presidential so guess what, he's being directly asked by a ballsy fucking interviewer who said to Donnie "DONT DODGE THE QUESTION." Donald said he's pro-life and the guy brought up that IF Donald made it illegal would there be punitive actions, and BOOM that's fucking common fucking sense as a Republican. I bet you that if Ted and Kasich were asked the same question they would give similar as fuck answers(Kasich was, and said he disagreed ONLY because Donald didn't specifically bring up the common exceptions of rape incest etc)

Let's roll through this one more time. A republican candidate is being berated with hypotheticals by a big-balled interviewer if he would enforce the law. It wasn't the specifics it was whether or not IF it was made illegal would he uphold his word. Notice the big fucking IF. To me this was a matter of reading between the lines and inferring that Donald was more concerned with holding a firm footing on keeping his word than to back down to some shmuck interviewer. His website statement clearly says most likely the Doctor would be held accountable, probably for malpractice which is a fucking given. The statement began with an if. I'm not downplaying this issue but I'm merely saying that by giving this opinion such a large platform let's not forget all the other issues we have as well.

TL;DR What is this dank meme shitposters point you may be thinking? My point is it's not a fucking shock what he said, he doesn't need to apologize, and Donald is a fucking beast.


/r/The_Donald Thread