People from low-income families who are pursing FI, what's your story?

Me too, Amen. Sometimes it feels like I am surrounded by people who can’t even fathom reality outside upper middle class suburbia like they are animals born in the zoo, the bourgeoisie zoo.

Examples of things that have made my blood boil:

Coworker’s little wild child refuses to sleep with a blanket but wants to be toasty, so instead of telling him to sleep with a blanket she pays a $600 per month heat up her house to his liking

Coworker’s kid wants a $15 snow cone at the fair. Coworker buys the kid the exorbitantly expensive snow cone. Kid takes one bite and then throws it away. Coworker doesn’t care or say anything.

This is why my husband and I are trying to get enough passive income to move back out to the sticks where I’m from, so that our children never enter the sphere of influence of these spoiled little trust fund schmuck kids

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