people had asked about middle school and I want to know how were you guys in high school

Man high school me was an absolute wreck. I didn't talk with others alot unless they talked to me and even then my conversing skills would be shit. Interactions were an absolute nightmare to me. People close to me could literally point out what was wrong (cuz I didn't show what I felt deep outside a lot)& it opened the doors to a lot of criticism and bullying by others. I also couldn't do much in the romance department losing my chances with 3 girls I had crushes on (either through my overthinking when things were going in the right direction or cold feet). I loved exploring and atleast moving outdoors but in my highschool I was just decomposing in a corner with my device. Studies and grades of mine were also going bad and I was disorganized, pulling out all nighters and many times not submitting my works and stuffs then; even tho I passed finals with good grades. So overall not a great experience,would change alot of things if given that impossible chance but some good people were met. (INFJ)

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