Why do people hate Kail?

How does Kail think she is entitled? Well other than what has already been mentioned.....

-She had to have Isaac for Christmas bc she didn't want to "separate siblings"......guess Vivi doesn't count. And Jo isn't special enough to get time with his son.

-Thinking she could just unilaterally decide Isaac and her would move to DE, without even getting court permission or Jo's permission first. He was in Isaac's life from day one and is just as much his parent.

-Considering moving to TX, again who care's about Isaac's father - he doesn't count. /s

-Refusing to give Jo 50/50 custody but then ordering him to take Isaac when SHE wants him to. Ex....When she decided to move Chris in right after Javi came home she ordered Jo to come get Isaac and take him for the entire week and then she was telling him to hurry up

-Getting a Pfa against Javi bc he wanted to go to her house to discuss her pregnancy, since they do share a child after all. But then dropping it so she can use him to babysit in her him a week later

-Thinking it's ok for Isaac to call Javi "Dad", when Isaac already had a Dad

-Acting like she was well within her right to cheat on Jordan with Jo

-Wanting Javi involved and having a say in Isaac's life, but Vee should say nothing and have no input

-Having no concern for Janet's rules while she was living under her roof.

-Thinking it's fine to physically abuse every man she's dated and they should do nothing but take it. But she's entitled to get fake protection orders

-She can dress anyway she wants but goes off on Jo for wearing sweatpants in his own house on a Sunday

-Acting like she is the only parent who should decide how Isaac's hair should be cut. Isaac's haircut wasn't for a "white boy".

-Thinks she is entitled to look through her ex-husbands cell phone while protecting her own privacy while married

-Thinks Javi should meet Chris but she was entitled to not having to meet Vee for years

-She was entitled to pack up all of her husbands possessions and put them in the garage. Entitled to keep every single piece of furniture and houseware item while her husband could only take his personal belongings.

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