People here are just bored and want attention rather than an actual friendship

The vast majority of personal encounters don't turn into friendships, this is why your real life friends list doesn't include everybody you've ever met.

Why do people assume that everyone they meet online is going to become their bestie! The vast majority of people are going to think you're a dick. That's ok, it clears the way to move along to someone who maybe won't.

I think it's great when people stop talking to me, or block me or whatever else, it means that encounter didn't work and I can move along to finding one that does.

I've found some great people on these subs some online friends, and one that I've known irl for a couple of years now., sure it takes time, but it works.

Getting whiny seems like a sure fire way to make sure you do get skipped though...

/r/Needafriend Thread