People here can be very annoying and ignorant about foreign realities

Sadly , I do know a lot of Americans like the ones I’m talking about . And while they are great people , my experience as an exchange student for a few months was the following: where in Mexico is Peru ? Do you guys have internet ? Do you guys go in llama to school ? Do you guys have running water ? How do you speak English so well ? and a lot more stupid questions . Of course some Americans are cultured , but I did notice a general sense of satisfaction with not knowing about elsewhere in the world . Almost like they were proud that they didn’t know about other countries , cause “America is the greatest country in the world”. Also , I know there are definitely differences between states and regions but not that much . If I’m being honest that’s one of the things that surprised me when going to different parts in the US. That overall , everything looks the same . I could go miles and miles and everything was Walmart , parking lot, McDonald’s , highway , parking lot , target , parking lot , repeat , repeat , repeat .

/r/23andme Thread Parent