People that do this to horses are pieces of sh*t.

Scientifically friend Hens lat eggs every 12- 24 hours even when there is no Rooster around. You should look it up. So there are such thing as free range chickens in theory, however that is a term I dont support in large because it is not envionrmently sustainable. But if people had snall farms and we cut put all the corporations that kill male chicks, and hold animals as close together like books on a shelf, them yeah I would support anyone who wanted to eat eggs. The eggs arent fertilized and it would be no skin off a chickens nose.

Lastly, I've already posted my responsive several times to my main topic of the horse. I have never lived in a big city where this service is offered and I wasnt familiar with the mistreatment of the animals. I would not support this service anymore. I do still think there can be utility from animals though in a loving and caring way.

  1. National parks
  2. Zoos that are animal sanctuaries
  3. Seeing eye dogs
  4. Emotional support animals.
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