People that leave their dog chained to their truck all night at a hotel. WTF

was it a conservative town? i lived in one once, and this woman was gathering all the stray dogs and using them as pitbull bait and letting her pitbulls maul and eat the dogs. you could hear them screaming at night. neighbors had been too scared to do anything -- all old christian people. i was there briefly, visiting family, and i immediately decided that this needed to stop. of course the bitch threatened to shoot me.

local police DID NOTHING. i took PICTURES of her yard, covered in bones, found the pitbulls tied together in a shed, with more dog bones next to them. skeletons of dogs she gathered. NOTHING WAS DONE TO HER.

she got so scared of me and the evidence that i collected, that she dumped the dogs she had on a random street. she even traded in the car that she used to dump them and got a brand new one.

since i already took pics of these dogs, i was able to identify them as hers when the local shelter picked up the dogs. they tried to get the police involved. NOTHING. NOTHING!

a week later, she has MORE DOGS. and i looked, and one of her kids had tied one of the new dogs up to a tree and was beating the shit out of it with a bat. i am pretty sure she still has dogs. police refused to do anything, one of the cops there was a friend of her boyfriend (her ex husband abandoned them and the like 5 kids she had with him).

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