People say life gets better, but that’s a fucking lie.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that people lie. People think they’re helping by telling suicidal people empty, general optimist reassurances. But they don’t mean anything. That person doesn’t know you and what it’s like to be you. Not everyone has something to live for. Not everyone’s condition or mindset is capable of improving. Not everyone holds the belief that life has value and it’s some sort of gift that you should be grateful for regardless of if you’re fucking miserable every second of your existence. No one asks to be born, so how is it fair that when people decide that they no longer want their life that they are guilted and coerced into changing their mind? Some people who are suicidal are capable of getting better and enjoying their lives, but I don’t think that it’s plausible that that’s the case for everyone. As for the guilt tripping, once gain no one asks to be born. It sucks that killing your self hurts others, but how is it not considered selfish to expect someone to continue suffering simply for the sake of others? Especially when that person has tried their best to get help and find a solution to their suffering. How dare you discount that as being selfish. I guess I’m ranting here and you can delete my comment if you want, but I guess I’m just trying to say that I agree with you. Life doesn’t get better for everyone.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread