why do people like to assume idols' sexuality?

Excuse me for the tangent but if you're familiar at all with the "Bechdel test", it's meant to be a baseline test to determine if a movie has bottom-of-the-barrel female represenation: 1. must have 2 named female characters 2. who talk to each other 3. about anything other than men. It originated in the comic D*kes To Watch Out For by lesbian comic artist Alison Bechdel. The original intent of it was to point out how alienating mainstream media can be to LGBT ppl in general and lesbians specifically. If in most film two women don't even talk to each other about anything other than men, how can I, as a lesbian, possibly see myself onscreen? As the idea went mainstream, the Bechdel test has really been watered down and removed from this LGBT specific context and turned into a pissing match between straight feminists and straight film bros. Like damn, we really can't have shit can we

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