People Like Jordan Peterson And Dave Rubin Are Terrified Of Honest Debate; We Aren't

What on earth happened to this subreddit? I find Rubin as appalling as the next sensible guy, but now this place is home for brainless kneejerk sensationalist trash, just from the other direction now.

Congrats, you've pushed back against Rubin so much to the point where you found yourself at the end of a cliff. And you jumped straight off. You keep trying to call back and communicate though, yet you can't reach anyone. You are so far gone. Your brain's shut off.

Shit is no different. Conservative braindead babbling and pandering and outrage content is fucking retarded. Rubin sold his soul, stripped off every last shread of dignity, and made his fortune that way. What people like you are doing with this is literally identical; only difference is actually that you're dead broke, but just as ignorant.

/r/daverubin Thread Link -