People like this should be banned...permanently

I agree with you man. Jeeze I think one of my most cancerous gameplay is that during draft pick, only me and my friend who are S4 and S5 respectively showed our hero picks (Ruby and Hanabi) during the ban selection.

When it's S1 and S2's turn to pick their heroes S1 auto picked Moskov and S2 immidietly swapped with my friend on the last minute of picks and we immidietly yelled at that player why did he made it into double marksmen in a team comp. It was his turn and he picked Diggie where the enemy aren't full of hard CC.

He kept on going to the enemy base, executed himself/fed the enemies, Moskov was really trashy started out with the basic item sets (the one with haa's claws as first item) and me, my friend and the ally Vexana tried to carry the game but can't because that damn Diggie kept on revealing my team's location to the enemies!

Like really!? What the fu man...

/r/mobilelegends Thread Link -