Do people listen to Cavino and Rich? Why wasn't that shit show cancelled?

I like em. Other than Bennington, I like almost every other show on Faction Talk to different degrees. CnR does a good job of keeping up and informing their audience of more younger dude related things. I get normal sports talk, current events/news, things worth spending time doing/watching and a point of view that I'm unfamiliar of, not being a New York/Jersey resident. They care about the people who care about listening to them. They'll drone on and on sometimes about topics even they don't care that much about them but I don't have a problem just skipping to the next segment when I can tell they are just trying to stretch until the next break. Took awhile to figure out which one was which. For sure don't deserve to be on more than Ellis, but neither does any other show on the channel, IMO.

/r/JasonEllisShow Thread