People living in third world countries, what is something that is a part of your everyday life that people in first world countries would not understand / cope with?

that is insane. really that's ridiculous and disrespectful.

my experience was when my cousin have to get a license. yes, you read it right, a driving license. the process is you have to take an exam/test, you should have a student license first and you should have undergone a driving lesson. and he did not go through all of that but he got a license. his dad has 'connections', they just payed those connections and then voila!

I'm nervous when either 2 of them is driving and his dad is a somewhat a reckless driver and always over the limit. can't drive, we don't have our own vehicle and I don't want because I don't have a license yet.

and yes, that government ID thing is common. especially, NBI and police. they feel like they own the streets. and also some in the military. of course not all is like that but it's like 3 bad guys to 1 good guy.

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