You people need to learn how to communicate.

90% of r/aita, r/relationships and r/sex. And the advice is usually always break up and move on.

I once read a post from a guy in their 20s, asking an entire subreddit what they should do to their woman who was actually content with their sex life, but was too nervous to ask her. I get wanting ideas and validation, I don't get why it was less nerve wracking to ask thousands of strangers online how to turn your girlfriend on than, y'know, your actual girlfriend?

That being said, an outsider view with no bias opinion can help you see something you can't. We can suffer tunnel vision to our own problems, and if we have a bunch of people split down the middle it can be hard to see resolution. And as daft as usernames can be, Jamesblonde could be a qualified psychologist because Reddit has so many people from so many walks of life. It's not guaranteed, but possible.

/r/CasualConversation Thread