People over 30, what was your biggest regret in your 20’s?

I'm 33. I don't have much regrets. I have a kid and fiancee now.

My advice would be no matter how much in love you think you are, wait until like you're 28+ to get married if you can hold out. Everyone is different but had I gotten married at such an earlier time, I'd probably wouldn't have been able to do my solo trips, which honestly were the best time in my life where I met the most interesting people.

Travel. Travel. Travel. The only regrets I have is I didn't travel more. And I recommend traveling solo so then you're just on your own schedule. When I quit my job and was in Thailand for 2 months at 25 (from the U.S), easily the best time of my life right after my kid being born.

/r/AskMen Thread