People of Reddit wanted to leave during a date, how did you escape?

I haven't been on a date with someone who is aggressive or exceptionally awful, so I don't have an interesting story. But needing to escape from a date is serious business, so I thought I'd throw down some advice on the matter because people really ought to have an escape plan even if they never need it.

The first trick is always making sure a first date, and maybe even a couple after that, is always in a place that you can escape. Lot's of people, and a place where employees would probably know how to react with concern for your safety. After that, it really depends on what kind of person you're on a date with.

Option 1 (indirect; to a disconcerting person): Excuse myself to the bathroom, and tell a friend to call me in exactly 5 minutes. When they do, tell your date you have to take this call, and make up some emergency that requires you to leave right away.

Option 2 (direct; disconcerting person): I'd tell them that the chemistry isn't there, I don't feel comfortable, and that I'm going to be leaving now.

Option 3 (indirect; scary person): I'd jump at the first opportunity I have to be out of their view to book it the fuck out of there. Whether that's a bathroom that's around a corner, saying you left something where you just were and you'll be back in a second, or just slipping into a crowd really fast - whatever opportunity you see.

Option 4 (direct; scary person): I'd get to a crowded place, tell them I am leaving, and not to follow me, or I will scream bloody fucking murder.

Option 5 (direct; imminently and obviously dangerous person): I'd then find the nearest thing to a scary looking authority figure in my immediate vicinity - cop, bartender, waiter, a group of people, anyone who looks remotely protective. Once I those people are nearby, I'd tell my date that the date is over, I'm leaving, stay away from me. Then I'd run to that protection, and tell them I need help getting away from this person immediately. I'm going to call a taxi, but please help me stay safe until that taxi comes.

Option 6 (even more direct; imminently and obviously dangerous person): Fuckin mace them and run to the safest place you can find.

Hopefully people never have to do any of those things, and you can just stick it out. It's really shitty to go on a date with someone and dip just because they're too awkward or you're not having a good time. But safety is always a concern when meeting a stranger, so hey, be prepared.r

/r/AskReddit Thread