People of reddit that were born before the rise of the internet, do you think it has improved the quality of life or not?

It definitely improved my quality of life. Prior to the internet, research was tedious and limited to whatever I could find in my personal or local library. I was hungry for information that I could not get.

Current news was limited to over-the air or cable TV, radio and hard-copy newspapers. If I doubted what was reported or wanted more details, I couldn't dig deeper than what was available.

Social media is a mixed blessing. I don't like the loss of privacy. I don't post anything on Facebook although I use it to check up on nieces & nephews and on local events/news.

I learn new things every day online. It's mentally stimulating; I like the challenge of sorting through the garbage to find the gems.

Too many predators, bullies and insensitive or downright cruel people like baiting others. I do worry about how easy it is for so many people to give up their self esteem to what others say online. This is especially a problem for young people in their formative years or for people who are struggling with self doubt.

/r/RedditForGrownups Thread