People of Reddit, What are your "core memories" (a la Inside Out)?

maybe like, when i was around 12 and my brother was 6, it had snowed a foot and we'd had 2 snow days in a row, which is really uncommon where i live. we had spent all day outside and my dad had stayed home with us. i don't remember anything from that day except it being like 6 or 7pm and playing halo odst with my brother and my dad sitting on the couch, and it had started snowing again and we had almost beaten halo, and my mom comes home from work and says "geez you guys got another snow day?" and i remember thinking i'll never forget this and i think that was like the last time my family was happy for a long time, cause my parents divorced later that year and they both because abusive. so that memory sticks out to me.

another more recent one i think is laying on the futon with my now gf, drunk as hell, and we hadn't kissed or anything but we were really close, basically a couple. but i kissed her and she said something eloquent like "bro you smooch !" that stands out to me too, she's the best

idk i can't really think of anything else

maybe the night i got outed as trans and my mom said she hoped she'd die early. she's better now but that hurt like a bitch and made me very, very scared of telling other people

/r/AskReddit Thread