People of Reddit, What are your "core memories" (a la Inside Out)?

I have this memory of when I was around 4-5 years old that I can still recall twenty years later. However, it is so humiliating that I'm not sure if it actually happened or not (I like to believe that I just dreamed the whole thing but that's probably wishful thinking). Anyways, I was in the bathroom minding my own business, doing the number two on the toilet, when the door opens and I see a couple who I've never seen before staring at me through the open door. They move away and then a whole slew of people come to glance into the bathroom one by one and also move away with a few snickers and guffaws. The line seemed to be never-ending and I was just mortified in place for the entire time. It finally ends and I take a bit more time to finish my business before I get out of the bathroom, especially since I didn't want to face all these people. When I do finally find the courage to come out of the bathroom, to my relief everyone is gone. My mom asks me where I've been and tells me about all the people that were here. I was too humiliated to immediately admit what had happened so I just deflected the question.

Turns out they were all prospective buyers who had come to check the place out. No one had known I was in the bathroom otherwise they would have warned me.

/r/AskReddit Thread