People of Reddit, what is the conspiracy theory you believe in and why?

Pablo Escobar worked with the CIA, they were involved in the drugtrade, this is confirmed by his son.

Their reason of working together , was the fight against communism in central América!

They were working together in sales , and importing cocaine to the states.

The CIA's role was exposed in 1996 in an investigative series 'Dark Alliance' by Gary Webb for the San José Mercury News, the investigation , headed Up by Webb revealed ties between the CIA, Nicaragua contras and the crack cocaine ravaging African-american communities. This investigation severely damaged the intelligence agency's reputation and launched a number of federal investigations.

Things didnt end well for Webb, Major media led by The New York Times, Washington Post and Los Ángeles times worked to discredit his story, and he Lost his work, and died in 2004 from an apparent suicide.

Officials would later come forward to back Webb's original investigation Up!

Senator John Kerry even released a detailed report claiming not only was there considerable evidence linking the contra effort to trafficking of drugs and weapons BUT THAT THE U.S. GOVERMENT KNEW ABOUT IT!

/r/AskReddit Thread