People of Reddit, what is your favorite memory?

I played in a band once. I dont anymore, it was a schoolband, not really impressive Ik. It was about 2 to 3 years ago. So I had my first 'concert' that day then it was some kind of special event at school and the band had to play in the auditorium. Im a guitarist, atleast I was one. Anyway we played zombies by the crainberries and there is an intro which is guitar only and I had to play it. The stakes are even higher if you remember the fact that I had no live expierence whatsoever before it was literally my first ever concert.
But the stakes got even higher if u take following fact into consideration. I had a crush on a girl in my class at that time yada yada yada, the usal story. Anyway as she walked into the room I literally started shaking like never before. I was so nervous but I played the song without any mayor mistake, luckily. And when the 'concert' was over she came to me to compliement me on how I played, kinda. And I straight up hugged her. In my defence I was pumped up on adrinalin and I was a little bit overwhelmed by the whole situation.
It was a moment of pure happyness like I have never expierenced before in my life. And I always think back to that exact moment when I feel kinda down. But with that always comes the thaught that she hates me by now, because of the mistakes I made, and the fact that Im a awkward fuckup.
tl;dr I hugged a girl I really like back then and I hope someone cares about the story I posted. And I hope its not to immature.

/r/AskReddit Thread