People of Reddit who had a chance to meet your Hero/Idol. Where they what you thought they would be?

For me that's absolutely true. I'd have zero to little value for almost any celebrity. I'm just not interested...I appreciate the entertainment for their music or characters, but I know that all in all, we're just people. Except for Trailer Park Boys.....

A few years ago I took the entire summer off to do whatever I wanted, I saved the money to do so and it was the best summer of my life (so far.) my cousin lived with me in my house and we had a pretty daily routine. He's come home for lunch and we'd watch Trailer Park Boys. It played every day...from 12 until 1. We just really loved the show, it was our exact type of humor and made us laugh consistently, gnome sayin?! We'd already been big fans for years already, but in a way, it was like a special bonding time for us, because we had pretty different lives. So out of the blue we hear that Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles are doing a live show in our small shit town. Of course we went, and we had a fucking blast! The show was awesome and it was filled with some good laughs, we had either one or two beers each during the show, so we we're very level headed, just want to put that out there. We bought a poster each to support the boys, it's a small town so we knew the arena and a few people working there. We asked if we could wait out back and ask the boys to sign our posters. We waited a little over three hours out back, it was winter, I remember we were pretty cold. There was about 10 people waiting with us, the audience was long gone, we we're all just chilling, normal people, no craziness. The security guy asked us to move away from the garage door as the boys we're about to drive out, we moved to the side and they're all in this minivan slowly coming out....we all remained very chill, no screaming or bullshit. I just remember looking at Bubbles showing him my poster and marker and I mouthed the word "please" to him. He waved and they left. That's it. A friend of ours called us soon after and told us they went to what is considered our small town trendy "club." A pretty ghetto wannabe type of bar that the same people go to every weekend. We didn't bother going and I guess I stopped being a fan from that night on. In conclusion, I know and I've always known that they are characters, I didn't want to smoke a joint with them or give them weed or invite them to drink in my shed, I just wanted a signature and to tell the boys thanks.

/r/AskReddit Thread