People of Reddit who have tried drugs of any kind, what is your craziest/funniest story or experience related to them?

It was straight out of a teen movie. The driver had actually backed up to get more speed before he rammed the cans so we hit them at a pretty good clip.

None of us were wearing seatbelt and I got a few bruises.

After impact I looked up and saw the hood of the car crumpled in and steam as escaping from the front end. The driver actually got the car to restart and pulled about a half block away before it died for good.

The other passenger and I bailed and had to hide under the skirt of a large Spruce tree down the block when we heard police cars speeding our way. The driver stayed with his car and got a DWI, Leaving the Scene, Reckless Driving.

I know it sounds heartless but we could barely keep from laughing out loud...the guy had backed up to get more speed! And then BAM! So it was set-up!

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent