People of reddit who work the day shift at non-haunted businesses and don't spend all your time in the woods, what's the creepiest thing you've experienced?

There’s no “not remembering” at all

I was merely using your own words:

I don’t remember that character at all

At any rate, it seems like you're the one who needs the chill pill. You're the one who reacted to misinterpreting a reference by refusing to consider that you might have misinterpreted it, or that the cartoon might actually be really popular and not just a "niche Reddit cult favorite". Even your comment about not being aware of "a 'different' Avatar" is dismissive of the show possibly being popular by using scare quotes to imply the blue people movie is the only real popular work of media by the name.

At any rate, it comes across as similar to if I knew nothing about Avatar (the blue people movie) at all (and I haven't actually seen it), misinterpreting the Na'vi as referring to the annoying fairy who follows Link around, and just doubling down, insisting, "No, Navi doesn't fight. Link does", even when it's pointed out that it's an important plot point that the Na'vi were fighting.

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