People of reddit working in extreme situations as offshore oil rigs, miners, seamen etc what was your "f*ck this, I'm out" moment?

So this is actually ny uncle's story, for my comfort I'll call him tito, because that's what we call uncles in our country. Anyway, my brother is in his last year of training for his course Marine Transport and im kind of interested in my Bro's job so my dad told me my tito used to be a seaman and i should talk to him and have an impromptu 'assessment' of my compatibility to the job. So i asked my tito if the job is alright with a girl and he said that it was fine and just made the common cautionary reminders; you'll get lonely, you'll probably get really fat if you dont watch what you eat and so on. He was in communications and as he continued his story about his 'sea' life. For story's sake, I asked him if he had any colleagues that died while they were sailing and he said yes, there were 2 men. The first one died of a heart attack and, rather macabre, was stored in the ship's freezer until they dock. The other was not so fortunate. I'm not familiar with the jargon of seamen nor the chemicals used but the story my tito told me was they already

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