People should be more willing to move to "flyover" country

I get what you're saying, but sometimes it's time to spread your wings and have your own life and not depend on your poor parents who just want to retire and be alone.

Look at it as an investment.

Let's say you make $50k in your hometown, and it's impossible to own a home there on your salary. You'd need $100k for that. But you simply don't have the experience, seniority, or competitiveness to land that $100k job.

But 1000 miles away is a job that starts you at $100k. Oh, and people can buy a home with only a $75k job there. Oh, and the job market has far more opportunity for your career as well.

One version of you stays living with your parents. You make your $50k/year which goes towards more expensive cost of living (because you are NOT mooching off your parents at 25-30+, and you're paying rent for your room there, right?), and you may be putting away about $10k/year. In that time, the cost of real estate just keeps going up and up bringing up your threshold to finally buy a home more and more all the time.

The other version of you moves away. You make $100k/year. Your expenses are cheaper, but you have a mortgage now. After all of that, you're only putting away $5k/year.... but you own a home. You're in the market. Your home will probably appreciate with the rest of the market. You won't get priced out of your next home remotely as easily. Hell, after a number of years, you may have climbed your way up the ladder in the job market and economy enough that you can now moved back to your hometown as well! Which is VERY common for many of my friends.

In both scenarios, you have this wonderful innovation that has change humanity called "the internet" that lets you stay in full contact 24/7/365 with your friends and family. Oh, and you're making just enough as well in your 1000 mile from home version that you can afford to fly back to your hometown a few times a year.

The scenario that you moved 1000 miles away, you eventually have your roots down, you build out a new life, new friends, create your own family, create your own story, etc. The other you (or your friends who didn't leave) is still living in their parents' house. And in both scenarios, your friends are always arguing about who owes exactly how many pennies on the beer tab because they worked just enough today to afford exactly 3 beers (and they're perfectly ok with this).

I say all of this because it's kinda my own story. I tried so hard to stay in my hometown because it's what I thought I loved. But I couldn't get a living wage job to save my life. The second I left, I found endless opportunity, got a job that paid nicely, bought a house, etc. Meanwhile friends who stayed went nowhere.

Also, once you start getting older, those friends you put your life on hold for who aren't the deadbeats? Yea, many will start marrying, having kids, and growing their own families. As close as you are now, the regret when those friends never have time for you anymore and you put your life on hold for them is huge.

I completely get everyone is different, and for many people leaving their hometown is very difficult for a multitude of reasons. But there's plenty of people who don't have a reason to stay tethered to where their parents decided they would grow up, and are just doing it because they think their youthful life will always exist.

tldr: Step outside your comfort zone. It's scary, but the amount of opportunity financially and for your life is so much more than if you decided your only chance at life is within the city limits you've lived in your entire life.

/r/Frugal Thread Parent