People should not be given extra breaks during their scheduled work hours to go “ pray”

AITA for complaining to my boss about 2 of my staff members who take extra long “ breaks” to pray?

I work as a Registered Nurse in a rehabilitation center on a very busy unit. We have 40 something patients on my unit who are all sub-acute which means they all require some kind of assistance.

I run my unit on my shift and I usually have 6 ancillary staff members who provide the patients with personal care ( washing up, ambulation, etc).

There are 2 members of my team who are of a specific religion and that religion ( I guess) requires them to pray at certain times of the day for certain periods of time.

Bottom line is that these individuals wander off the unit and set up their prayer mats and spend 30 to 45 minutes at a time off the unit praying.

I certainly would not give a shit however because these staff members take so much time off the unit, it puts a heavy load on the other staff members. The other staff members have to carry their weight while they are off praying because ( obviously) patients can not wait for their needs to be met while their care givers pray.

I approached the 2 staff members and tried to reason with them and try to get them to understand why it is not ok for them to be doing this but alas, that did nothing. They laughed in my face and said I was an asshole for being so “ racist”.

I then complained to my boss about the issue and my boss said that there is nothing she can do about it and she told me that I just have to accept that “this is just the way things are now” and I should “keep my mouth shut about it”. She also said to me, in not so many words, that I am being an asshole.


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