Why do people have such a reverence for Jimmy Hendrix?

Drug Addict Being a drug addict doesn't make you a horrible person. He didn't need to steal or hurt anyone to feed his habit. From what I've read, he may have got into heroin but according to Kathy Etchingham in her book, he went cold turkey sometime before Isle of Wight I believe, which he did himself without interventions etc.

Beat Up Women In all the books I've read, there was only one instance of this and I think it was Noel who said he once punched a girl in the face. I don't remember reading what it was about or what drugs he was on or what the argument was, but it was uncharacteristic for him and he wasn't an aggressive partner to have. Kathy has recently said how he was very gentle. She's angry that the recent film has portrayed him as violent.

Stingy I've never read anywhere that he was stingy with money or his possessions. If anything, he was too generous and a lot of his money went on others. There's one story where he went out and bought a flash car and crashed it almost immediately because of his bad eyesight. Then he just forgot about the car. I haven't read about him demanding too much for Isle of Wight but that could be down to his management at the time.

Overdosing and dying in puddle of own vomit That doesn't make you a horrible person. Also, from what I've can recall from what I've read, he inhaled the vomit that came up from his stomach and went down his windpipe. I don't think there were puddles of anything.

Guitar Ability I know OP didn't suggest he wasn't great at guitar but a lot of people do. The thing is, the music flowed out of him. He didn't come across as a middle-class white boy imitating what he heard. He didn't play memorised solos; he just went up and interpreted whatever songs he played. Sure, it can do your head in when you've had a CD on for an hour, but at a gig, he would've blown your mind. This is how I like to show how good he was. Remember, he was good for his time. He blew away and gave an existential crisis to the guitarist previously called 'god'.

Clapton in 1970, solo at about 2:06:

Hendrix in 1970, solos whenever he feels like it: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1rpis_voodoo-chile-live-70_music (Crappy quality. They always take this video down.)

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