People suck so much. One example I'd love to share is online romantic relationships.

While i agree with all you've said i personally havent had any catfishing problems. Mine have been just nasty, insecure, or women always looking to upgrade their relationships. They will be AIR LIFTED to fuck if thats what they want. Nothings ever good enough for them and Im more than happy to fuck some lame whore. Why? Its not my problem...Is the human condition my problem? its become it.

I try randomly all the time still to talk to girls online and this is all i see is what I've listed. I guess Im "lucky" ha. I try to talk to men but have come across some INSANELY insecure men and why the fuck would i want that? Of course men are more insecure nowadays as they LACK OPTIONS. I dont blame them but i also wont deal with it.

I dont come off well in writing when wanting to rush the "experience" of "wonder" of meeting some new girl. It most likely is going nowhere, no matter what you have to offer. Its way faster to get it done in reality with the meeting. Too many people are just looking to be validated. They will tell me this too. I get all the details about all the petty shit they do too. One told me "if you think a girl has no time for you? just imagine im talking to 5 guys at once while on the phone with my boyfriend and look how much attention im still giving you" and she was VERY consistent on the dot, every second. She wasnt lying. Why would she? Her cock call center was her job haha. I didnt blame her. When i was younger i did the same shit except my call center needed 12 because i could treat whoever like shit and leave and everyone stayed. The COLDER i was the more success i got, and the more success i got? the emptier i became. NO ONE values being treated well. They get bored and leave. I dont care what you have to offer with looks, personality, and being a fucking clown jester to her bore. I genuinely have liked and tried to like my partners! They always want to yearn. I despise it. Before women call men misogynists , they should look to what they are attracted to (zillions complaining all men are npd's- but reciprocate her love and SHES GONE) as its usually EXACTLY THAT. Its just that nowadays, you need looks, charisma, to be busy just enough but not TOO MUCH... to always keep her on her toes. To insult her at the right times but not the wrong times. FUCKING BLEH. Its no wonder why men "just want sex" No we dont, its all that's being offered with our needed tylenol 3 before and after.

Men hate you when you get success and women dont even give a shit if you're successful- she just needs to be attracted to you and its definitely shallow always..Unless you're paying her bills right? fuck that. You can do her in a park, a parked car, while driving, in her boyfriends bed, in her moms bed. You can do the mom too for competition ! Bringing the WRONG ones to your house is sometimes a temporary death sentence. Nobody has cared nor questioned it. Unless thats what shes searching for. Money. Ill buy some alcohol for me haha but i dont spend... I demand gas money on "dates" You'll hear women complaining about people like me and i find it comical. Then why were we dating? Call me what you will but like i said people hate you if you can live a way they cant (i think this is why your post also came with a disclaimer, you KNOW theres the typical fallout from men and women regarding a DUDE talking about dating... dont forget we are all toxic misogynists !) They think you have it made and its just so easy. There's zillions of rejections for one "win' and then you start all over after months years or minutes of knowing her. Its not fun. Its misery too when you tried so hard with so many and they want you more when you give up. Fuck off with that.

It sounds like you want a real connection, as do i but dude good luck with that and i dont mean that in a mean way. I have really seen it all and my experiences wouldnt be believed i just get "hated on" for it. I just stay alone. Im gonna get what i can get. Not my fucking problem nobody cares or loves.

/r/misanthropy Thread