Why do people think teaching obesity in children's books is such a good thing?

This embracing mediocrity and everyone gets a medal bullshit has gone too far. If I ever have kids, huge if considering the seething cesspool this world is becoming, I'll be goddamned if they're raised with any other body positivity than "put the goddamn fork down." Utterly fucking ridiculous that it has gone so far that children's book instead of promoting health, and positive eating, are instead saying it's ok to be fat. No it goddamn isn't, ever. And actually, if you lost some weight, yes, you would be prettier, and cuddlier, as I'll be goddamned if I ever cuddle up with an obese chick. Further, being in shape (not thin, different things) demonstrates a couple of things: 1 your good potential breeding material, 2 you actually value yourself and your body to put effort into it. Call me prejudice, but I see larger people around and I just go "ick." And all this bullshit about it being difficult to lose weight, is just that BULLSHIT. If they actually took the time to cultivate healthier habits, and got into the habit of going to the gym, it would happen. It wouldn't be overnight, or even over a year, but it would happen. But we've become such a fast food, instant gratification society that slow, steady, metered progress is unacceptable so we'd rather just celebrate being mired in our own mediocrity than to put in any sort of effort at betterment. Look at 99.9% of the 1%, how many fatties do you see? Take a further look at those that have made it without have a silver spoon, see any fatties? No. Because there's a goddamn high correlation between success and perseverance, drive, and determination, all things that aren't associated with being fat. Shit, I'm even writing this positively hungry right now, because I skipped out on gym yesterday and ate like shit, so skipping two meals until gym time this afternoon won't kill me, and I'll actually feel better about myself. Fuck. I come around this sub a lot, but there's something that absolutely incenses me about seeing this fat positive bullshit shoved on kids that don't know any goddamn better and seeing all these people upvote that bullshit on facebook.


tl:dr; fuck this shit.

/r/fatpeoplehate Thread Link - i.imgur.com