People in third world countries need to stop having sex

The more educated and literate the black and brown people the better. Quality over quantity. There's a reason why Canada went from having 12 kids per family in the 30s to 1-2 they have now, and it's because overpopulating the country isn't a good idea. It's not like this post is intended to be racist. It just happens to be Africa that is projected to balloon to 2 billion and it would be better for world resources if they decide not to do that.

People should be able to have their own life. If a mother pops out a baby every year for 26 years she's probably a senior citizen by the time she gets rid of them all. And in Africa, where the life expectancy has a lower age, you're just raising kids your whole life. What kind of quality of life is that? Maybe some people would like to do that but it should be a choice.

The Blacks and Browns in America are finally smartening up and forging their own destinies these days. Using the privilege that first world provides them to take the horns of their own life. So it's not a race thing, If it was Obama wouldn't have been President. But Malaria and overpopulation need to end and the third world should become a thing of the past. I want to see beautiful cities with clean air through all of Africa and Asia and South America. I have a Canadian bias perhaps. But I know our children don't work in sweat shops and I know our children, including black and brown children, have clean water.

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