Why do people get upset about those who do not know something?

The Psychology of Hate

Elevating yourself above another, in sociology: defined as dominance behavior.

How to Stop A Bully

"In considering current events, the author identifies two driving forces behind human politics: leaders’ lust for power and followers’ longing for leadership. De Waal observes that hierarchical battles occur in groups of humans as well as in groups of apes, with bullying tactics used by 'alpha males' in both. 'Like most primates, we are a hierarchical species,' he concludes.

Yet humans shrink from admitting that about themselves, he points out, preferring to describe themselves in gentler, more rarified terms. De Waal writes, 'This is why it is so refreshing to work with chimpanzees: They are the honest politicians we all long for.'

Instead of considering ourselves so refined and rational, he suggests, it’s time for us to squarely face the degree to which we—like other animals—are driven by emotions." —What Kind of Emotions Do Animals Feel?

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread