People Voting to Forfeit and then Refusing To Play is a Problem

No, are assuming people who are TRYING to get low are attempting to win their placement matches.

I ran into a guy (has "Pu1se" in his name) that I have seen dominating as part of a 3 man team (uber aerials) who also quits matches (as part of a team) on a regular basis. I see him as I play the Gold ranks all the time.

People who are trying to smurf ARENT TRYING TO WIN. Their activity, whether it be the awesome aerial shots against Silvers/Golds or the 10 second-in forfeit are unnaturally ranking other players NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME IS. His mere presence, as a known smurf, affects everybody he comes in contact with...either unnaturally boosting others, or unnatrually deranking others. This is not a rare practice.

As I stated, I also play 3s Solo....I am Bronze 3 there because of the ranking. This isnt strange to anybody either...we have come to expect lower rankings in 3s Solo...we have come to expect lopsided matchmaking....and we have come to expect even more in the way of griefing/salty teammates in that mode.

Since this mode is not played as much, you will see "unranked" aerial artists IN BRONZE all the way through the season.

This isnt made isnt isnt hard to verify RIGHT FUCKING NOW. The problem is that you arent a legit Bronze/Silver/Gold. You can just tell me Im wrong from your rank...while throwing needless/obvious personal attacks in for fun.

You are an ignorant cunt. Your debate tactics are straight from the 4th grade and your father should be ashamed for having raised a male cunt of your caliber. Ashamed. Fuck him too.

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