People who can't say no, what is the worst thing you ended up doing for someone?

It was a bit more complicated than that. Short answer, no. I was never actually with either of them, but the uncertainty kind of makes it worse.

Story time? Story time. This all takes place over the course of a bit over a semester. I don't remember the exact timeline.

The three of us became friends freshman year of college. We hung out a lot and eventually it got to a point where I was sleeping with both of them. They both knew, and said they were ok with it (you can start beating your head on your desk now. Go ahead. I'll wait.). A while after that, Toxic Girl (we'll call her TG) started hinting that she wanted something more, and I agreed. Trouble was she claimed she "wasn't ready" for a relationship at the time, buuut, if I really wanted more, I would break things off with the other girl (say, AG, Awesome Girl) and wait until she was ready. I'm not quite that stupid, so I told her that I wouldn't commit to anything if she wasn't willing to do the same. We went back and forth with this for a while with me still merrily hopping between beds, blissfully unaware of how much I'm fueling the incoming shitstorm. Eventually "love" starts getting thrown around between me and TG, but she still claims she's not ready. One night, while I was with AG, TG starts sending massive paragraph texts basically boiling down to "it's me or her." Given that one of them was laying next to me, and the other one was blowing up at me via text, the choice was pretty obvious... for about a day. I spent most of that day with AG. We talked about it, she admitted she had feelings for me too, but saw things were happening between me and TG and didn't want to get in the way. So, great, right? She's fantastic, smart, funny, gorgeous, and likes me. Problem solves itself, right? Wrong. The guilt, combined with my fear of happiness, ate at me. I thought maybe I did the wrong thing. AG was fantastic, but TG was in love with me. I couldn't just ignore that, could I? So after a few more days I broke down, went to talk to TG and basically decided that she's the one I wanted and cut things off with AG. It was summer at this point and we were all home. TG tells me that she doesn't really want a relationship and I should be with with AG (I found out later she got back together with her ex). Talked to AG, and we both agreed that things weren't in a great state, and it didn't matter anyway because we were in different states, so we would just take the summer to see what happens and figure it out when we got back. Well, what happened was she started dating someone else, and cut me out of her life. I tried to be angry, since things seemed to be going great, but it just made me realize how hard I got played, and how it must have affected her just as much, or more, than me. Cutting me off was definitely the right decision for her. We've talked a few times since then, she's even initiated conversations, but after a few days she always stops answering. I can't even begin to guess her motivation.

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