People who cheated, why?

Always needed to be validated and have positive physical contact because I was both physically abused and neglected by my parents. I picked up a few bad habits, codeine, hydros, oxy, speed, terrible amounts of alcohol to wash them down. The use ramped up at 23, right after college.

I had the day off work, sitting at a nice bar just after noon. I was fucked up before I even ordered a drink. At some point a woman probably in her late 40's sat by me. We seemed to hit it off but fuck if I know what I was saying.

She put her and on my thigh, I reached in for a kiss, and things were off and rolling. Drunk and high off my ass, I took this woman to my place and we had sex.

And that is how I cheated on a great person and broke her heart.

Years later I finally got sober and started seeing a psychiatrist. Nothing of the sort has happened since.

/r/AskReddit Thread