People who DON'T have depression or mental illness... What is your life like? How does it feel?

Late to the thread, but I hope my answer is useful to you.

I don't complain much, as my day-to-day life is fairly easy and stable for the next 16 months. There are always things that could be better, and there are things that I want or am working towards. Where my life goes in the near future is the source of my insecurity.

I have a part-time job that pays well in a fairly cheap country, but this country is a long way from my home, and my relationship is now very long-distance. I'm pretty okay with this as I'm a recent graduate so a comfortable and stable job is reassuring, and my relationship always had distance so this is manageable, if not ideal.

While I'm here I'm hoping to gain skills and experience so that I'm more employable back home, which is my main concern as home is expensive, the economy is rough and I don't have the qualifications or skills for many jobs.

That insecurity is nothing major right now, but it's always at the back of my mind, and it's worse when my job is unstable or dead-end. I manage by working on skills and interview prep. I am capable of getting a good job but due to being a lazy child and teenager I always feel that I don't do enough and I am concerned that people see me that way, or judge anything I do as bad or low-effort. I'm also not good at selling myself, so I feel that I unintentionally sabotage myself in interviews.

To summarise: I have a fairly comfortable life right now so I'm happy with that, and I have good relationships with good people. I can't stay here so my concern is about my career, with deep rooted insecurities about my performance and my ability to convince people that my performance will be worth the risk.

I hope this doesn't come across as me making a big deal of my problems or acting as though my problems are worse than anyone else's; I've just done my best to answer the question that was asked. If anything needs clarifying do let me know.

/r/AskReddit Thread