People who experience "high" or pleasant feelings after meditation, what form of meditation do you do?

Standard Power Meditation. The stuff that all of the ancient cultures practiced. Start with opening all of your chakras then strengthen them by vibrating words of power You'll feel it when you have the correct pitch. This website has guides for everything there is to know about strengthening all aspects of your soul. Unfortunately, most meditation programs that are popular now ignorantly either completely leave out or contain lies about all of these techniques for building actual power. For example, many programs teach that the heart chakra is the center of all power. This is false; the heart chakra is just a connector between the upper and lower chakras and is basically powerless. The real power center is the 3rd chakra.

All ancient cultures in the world from Asians to all Europeans to Native Americans to South Americans to all Africans had what is essentially the exact same religion. They called their gods by different names, but it was still the same gods being worshiped in every culture all over the planet. They all practiced very similar variations of power meditations as described in the links of the website above. Basically, there is positive and negative energy. Breathe in positive energy and do not let negativity bind to you. Also, respect the planet and all plants and animals.

Babylonians were doing trigonometry almost 4 thousand years ago in a way that is more accurate and correct than anything since then: They made batteries at least 2 thousand years ago:

Ancient Sumerians understood and drew depictions of quantum mechanics and atomic bonds:

The Egyptian pyramids were built using formulas for Pi, the Golden Ratio, and the Speed of Light: They were also each built with exactly 144,000 blocks; the number of Nadis or energy threads of the human soul. Both the inside chambers and outsides of the pyramids all resonated constantly at the precise frequency of specific chakras. The pyramids generated electricity in the exact same way as Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower. And most obviously, they are shaped exactly like chakras.

Many of these ancient cultures were far more advanced than we are today and all practiced the same religion with only very minute differences. Jews, Christians, and Muslims have tried for the last few thousand years to do everything they could to destroy this ancient knowledge by genocidally destroying countless cultures, burning and smashing all ancient art and texts, blaspheming the ancient gods, and forcefully spreading their lies and destruction. Even modern Buddhism, while certainly peaceful and still somewhat helpful, resembles nothing of what it once was. Luckily, enough remains from the past to still show that they were much smarter than us scientifically. I know you weren't asking for such a long reply, but I am very passionate about spreading the truth about this.

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