People who fall asleep within 5 minutes of lying down, how?

I always felt lucky that I've never had problems falling asleep, but I do follow a few rules: 1. I don't have any stimulant 5 hours before bed. 2. I keep my phone in another room when I am ready to sleep 3. I read an article a while ago that said that you need to reflect on your day/week, in order to be mentally healthy. When you never give your brain a chance to do this throughout your day, then it will happen when you are ready for bed and then you may start thinking about things that stress you out and prevent you from falling asleep. I make sure that some point in my day I can do this, but not before bed. Take 5-10 mins somewhere in your day to just be alone with your thoughts and not distracted by technology (phone, tv, etc.). This can happen when you exercise, do the dishes, or try pooping without a phone. 4. When I am trying to fall asleep, I force myself never to think about things that are stressful. No projects due, embarrassing moments, etc. This is harder to do if you haven't done number 3

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