People who have "gone out for a pack of cigarettes" and never went back to your family, what happened after you left? (serious)

This is a throwaway account after i'm done with this post i will throw it away

a little context I'm currently in my mid 20s and i was born with very mild autism. (you probably couldn't even tell by meeting me, it was worse when i was younger though)

my mother and father separated shortly after i was born. At around age 4 me and my brothers were sent to my father's house until my mother was making social security off of me. she took me back 4 months after dropping me off so she could collect the social security she was making off of me. She was both medically and emotionally abusive to me. she had me on very strong drugs for my autism, they made it so i slept all the time i probably spent over 20 hours asleep a day. after i hit around 13 the medications would not make me as sleepy and i would be up and she would hear me typing on my computer or playing video games. this started to annoy her, so i told her i wanted to be off my meds and the school even recommends me to change up my medications so why not try getting off them entirely. she them forced me to take 3X the dose of my medications that day, after that i stopped speaking out against it otherwise i would get 3 doses and get incredibly sick.

a few years pass and i decided to move to my fathers because he would not force me to take my medications. however my father was abusive as well. He was just doing it for my social security money that i was making. my grandmother forced me to get on social security (she had it set up where she was in control of all of my funds, i was not allowed to get my license, I was not allowed to do a lot of other things either) eventually after a few years of this and my father telling me that if i don't like the rules i can get out of his house (no car, no access to my funds, and cannot get a job in the town that i worked in because my grams forced me to apply to all of them then skip out on the interviews)

so i set up something with my brother he would help me look for an apartment after staying with him, and i started to become self employed fixing computers and making a ton of money off that. i was able to get of social security disability, and live on my own. I also managed to get my license and pass the test with flying colors. after that my grandmother started to threaten me saying that she'll lie to police saying i was suicidal, i recorded the entire conversation because i knew she wasn't lying. showed it to the police and managed to get an order of protection against her, she did end up breaking it and got sent to jail for 1 year, haven't seen her since, never went to her funeral either. I now live a much happier and successful life after i got rid of all that abusive shit!

The only problem now is i have a fear trusting people, i don't trust anyone, and honestly who would blame me. I sure as hell don't

/r/AskReddit Thread