People who have known murderers, serial killers, etc. How did you react when you found out? How did it effect your life afterwards?

Our freshman year of high school, my friends and I became really good friends with a kid named Danny Jackson. He was a stocky African American guy who always wore do-rags, flashy shoes, and multiple pairs of gym shorts at the same time. Danny was a really good football player, pretty much one of the stars of the freshman football team. We started smoking after school and hanging out on the weekends, and I would have said he was one of my best friends at the time. We would often sleep over all weekend at my friends house, playing video games, getting high, and just shootin' the shit. Danny began opening up to us quite a bit, and we thought we might have broken through his tough guy exterior to find a really genuine guy. As time went by, things began to go missing from my buddies house where we all spent the night. Nearly $300 dollars out of my friends saving jar was gone at one point, and bags of weed often seemed to just disappear after we smoked. I began to lose contact with Danny as months turned into nearly a year, and my friend group almost completely forgot about him. The next time I hear anything about him, it's a rumor on social media claiming that he got busted for breaking-and-entering and rape. None of my friends and I believed it, we were in complete denial. There was no way the kind-hearted, friendly person we knew could have done something like that. We started searching online, sure we wouldn't find anything regarding our friend doing something like this. That's when my friend's mom started to cry. Sure enough, his name and face were all over the news, and he was being charged with breaking and entering and two counts of rape. It was truly one of the saddest days of my life, finding out such a potentially awesome human and friend did something so unforgivable. I had such a strong feeling of disgust towards this kid I once called my friend, there really isn't any way to describe how miserable we all felt. Here's a link with some more information.

/r/AskReddit Thread