People who live around the equator are the worst when it comes to having too many children they cannot afford. Therefore, I don't really feel bad for them when they claim to be suffering.

OK moron, those people came from Europe, where parents tried to give more to their kids, not eat them. And those people, with only axes, in 200 years built America, invented airplanes, and went to the moon.

Now compare that to India or places where there have been people for thousands of years and it becomes clear, to anyone but you, that Western Culture is different.... since the ancient ones were unchanged until the West goes and fixes them.

You are an example of an idiot who has no idea that they are an idiot, always calling people stupid because his mind doesn't work well.

Hope that historical context of zero to space in 200 years helps you wrap your feeble butt-hurt mind around what's wrong with 5,000 year old cultures that literally swim in shit and drain the life force of their kids, as is their tradition.

Good day sir!

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