People who no longer speak to their best friends who they thought would be in their lives forever, why did you stop talking/being best friends?

Because he has ASPD or severe autism and doesn't realise how much he just completely cut me out as soon as he started dating a young lady with mental health issues (tried suicide to get him in the relationship). I'm a female and we were very close before this.

The thing that makes me not want to reconnect is how much he lied to me about supposedly not wanting to be with her. After the fact when I tried being her friend she would call me detailing their time, plans EVERYTHING together while he ignored me. I told them both that this is upsetting and all I want us some genuine time with my friend, I also invited him to my housewarming, birthday etc but he just completely ignored me and she kept calling. So I kind of told them to leave me the fuck alone.

I personally think he is in an abusive relationship but can't help as he has lied even more to his close friend circle so they're all 'yay we're happy for you!' and I look like a bitter bitch.

/r/AskReddit Thread