People who often like to have hours long conversations, how do you manage to talk so long without running out of things to say and doesn't it make you tired to talk for such a long time?

It really depends on the person and how comfortable I am with them. I have social anxiety so conversations with most people is brutal. However, I can talk for hours with my sister..we don't care about long pauses, statements that don't really make sense...there are no filters. We talk about everything going on in our day to day, from annoying coworkers to our period cramps. Same with a good friend I have where we just nerd out for hours. He's a big chatty cathy who often goes on long winded tangents...other people find him incredibly annoying (as did I when I use to work with him), but I've learned to like his tangents (helps that he's funny) and I keep pace with him. We usually talk about nerd stuff that I can't really talk comfortably about with others. Really depends on the person.

/r/AskReddit Thread